September Member of the Month

Lili Daly

In her Words…

I joined Vitality because I wanted to get back into a consistent work out routine and be in a welcoming supportive environment. I didn’t just want to be an anonymous face or not know others around me.

What I love about Vitality is that it is a true community. I’ve made some great friends. We cheer each other on in workouts and outside of it! Whether it be a personal record in weight lifting or when I was out dancing for the WeatherGirls for Mardi Gras!

When I describe Vitality I say that it’s one of the best environments because we start each class with names, pronouns and a question of the day. The coaches take the time to get to know you and provide individualized feedback or modifications for workouts.

As a night owl, I actually don’t mind waking up at 5:20 in the morning to get to a 6am workout class?!? Besides that, I am proud of myself for trying something new, before vitality I hadn’t done any barbell work and now Powerlifting has been one of my favorite classes! I recently PR’ed in my deadlift. There’s nothing that makes me feel more badass than deadlifting 250 LBS.

Some goals I have are to work on my stamina with running and continue to hit those PRs in my powerlifting. I feel supported with these goals from all the coaches and from those working out along side me. I’ve grown so much and I am so happy to be at Vitality!

In Coach Kristin’s Words…

Lili joined VCF in January of this year. She came with a big smile that could hardly be covered by her mask. She was a bit on the quiet side at first but quickly came out of her shell and became immersed with the morning crew. Lili came into our classes really knowing herself- how to move her body, how to pace herself and how to modify if necessary. She is someone who really soaks up the coaching that is given to her and applies it to her fitness. Because of her attentiveness she has come so far in such a short amount of time. She's one of the founding Powerlifting class members who consistently came damn near every class and as reaped the benefits. She’s gained crazy strength and her form has drastically improved.

Lili is one of the kindest people I know. She is a true leader amongst her peers and friends. She always attends events and brings friends. I’ve witnessed her be a coach and explain a Friends & Family day workout guests and make them excited about joining her! We love to see it!

I believe that whatever Lili set's out for herself, she WILL DO. She is one tough cookie- mentally and physically. I can't wait to see more progress come over the course of this year. Proud of you, Lili!


October Member of the Month


August Member of the Month