August Member of the Month

Rachel Taquino

In Her Words…

 I joined Vitality because I had a friend who saw me at a low point: struggling to make progress with at home workouts, trying to figure out who I was and fight off the isolation of 2020-2021. She told me she had a place that would bring me the joy and the connections that I needed. I joined immediately after my first trial class because it was the first time in a long time that I’d had pure fun. We danced to 2000s punk rock in between squats, Kristin radiated an infectious energy, and I walked away sweaty but smiling knowing I’d made new friends. These were people I knew I wanted to be around more. 

I’ve grown so much, physically and mentally, in the last year because of Vitality.  I am stronger, more aware of my body and what it needs. I walk with a new confidence that comes from being proud of all that I can do and a drive to keep building on to that. I push myself to go with heavier weights, longer runs, more advanced movements because I’ve learned to believe in myself. And I don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed to make mistakes. These days, I look in the mirror and see things I’m proud of. I eat pizza and enjoy it instead of counting calories. It’s easier to love myself when so many people love me too.

My future goals are consistency, proper form and maybe even to do a pull up (even just one!). Consistency in showing up and pushing myself to always choose B and sometimes even C level weights/effort.  But also recognizing that the options are there for me to take them, listening to my body ahead of my pride. Proper form to protect my body - and the Coaches are fantastic about this. They know my issues and are always proactive with monitoring during workouts and offering modifications. And a pull up has always seemed to me like the epitome of strength, for some reason. So I’ve set it as a goal and will keep at it until I can. 

I am truly proud of myself as a whole these days. The confidence I’ve gained at Vitality shows up in all areas of my life. I stand up for myself at work. I show up for my friends and family. I have proven that I can pull myself up from my lowest point, and that makes me unafraid to face whatever comes next. I am a better mom because my son sees me laugh, prioritize my health and have an identity again. 

Vitality is not just a gym. I could never get all of this from a gym. It’s a family (the kind we choose), and there is no better support system than that.  I tell people “Vitality is like a social hour with your friends where you also happen to workout.” It’s a safe space where people ask your name and about your life, they cheer you on, they sing and dance with you. They care and they become family.  The music always slaps, the workouts make you SWEAT and the people cannot be beat. It’s home to me. 

In Coach Kristin’s Words…

I'm not going to lie to y’all, I did not think Rachel was going to join VCF. Her first class was a gnarly Saturday burner. It was one of the workouts I sometimes write that well…is not always the best for recruitment. I learned quickly that Rachel Taquino is not faint hearted and seems to be unafraid of absolutely anything life throws her way. She was an instant member of our community.

Rachel is one of our supermoms at Vitality- they never cease to amaze me with how much they can juggle throughout the week. Her son, Jared, is as much a member of VCF as she is at this point. I've become great pals with him, as we share the same office space and our common love of snacks.

Rachel is a model client because she is someone who knows her boundaries and limits, she is very intune with her needs. She can also communicate them! This type of communication is something I appreciate. Rachel has made so many friends since joining Vitality. Also she is someone I can easily pair up with a new face and confidently know that she can show them the ropes at the gym. Rachel is smart about how she trains. I feel like she really takes to heart the message we are constantly preaching at VCF about lifting appropriate weight, sticking to great form, and slowing down when necessary. This has allowed her to build up her strength and stamina this past year. Rachel is a new-true die-hard to VCF and I am so grateful that has become one of our most consistent afternoon folks! Cheers to a bright future, Rachel. I can't say enough about how proud I am of you as an athlete and mom.


September Member of the Month


July Member of the Month