June Member of the Month

Matt Godwin

In Matt’s Words…

Oddly enough, I joined Vitality in the midst of the chaos that was (is?) the pandemic. In a time of uncertainty, my workouts were a something I could count on and control. I certainly couldn’t control what was happening with the country/world writ large. But, I could for damn sure control what I did or didn’t do with my body. Of course, I could’ve gone most anywhere but Vitality, specifically Krisitin, was recommended to me by a good friend since I was looking to start out with personal training. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

It has been one hell of a journey so far. When I started I was someone who never worked out, ate like crap, and basically lived a mostly sedentary life. I was miserable. I won’t lie, when I first started training with Kristin I was also miserable but only because my body wasn’t accustomed to moving like that. Now though, I actually enjoy working out. I don’t exactly enjoy getting up early to be there for the 6am class, but I never regret it either. One of the strangest things for me though, was when I injured by back and couldn’t work out as much or as hard. I would see Instagram stories from the gym and have some serious FOMO. I wanted to be there getting my ass kicked with everyone else. Talk about a complete 180.

This past May I completed my first 5K. I didn’t run the whole thing, but baby steps lol. If you’d asked me before joining VCF if I’d ever run a 5K I would’ve laughed you out of the room. I always used to say that if I’m running, you should be too because something is chasing me. Now my next goal is to do another 5K and run the entire thing.

I’m honestly just proud of myself for showing up consistently. I’ve joined gyms before but would always flake off after a couple of weeks. Frankly, I think that’s a testament to Vitality. I always hated the gym before. But now, I actually look forward to seeing everyone and getting a good workout in. I will also say that I’ve always struggled with body image and self-confidence. I still do, but I am more self-confident and more comfortable in my own skin than I can ever remember being in the past. I owe a lot of that to Vitality. I still have a long way to go but it’s progress.

Vitality is FAMILY. There’s no other way to describe it. It’s unlike any gym I’ve ever been a part of. The community at VCF is honestly what keeps me coming back. Don’t get me wrong, I love the workouts. But, seeing everyone pushing themselves to be their best and the constant encouragement from the coaches and other members is what keeps the drive alive.

In Coach Kristin’s Words…

This month makes Matt's 1 Year Anniversary with Vitality! It has been a great journey from the start. When he first inquired about training he wanted to start off with one-on-one coaching, and then ease into classes. I always call new prospects and when I called Matt the first time we had a very long, personal phone conversation. Prospect conversations typically take 10-20 minutes and we were on the phone at least an hour! We connected immediately and quickly moved into his personal training schedule. Matt came into this process starting his training regiment early in the morning, something that was very foreign to him. He quickly adapted never missed a session!

When the time came he transitioned into the group classes and never looked back. Matt immediately thrived, and he is still a morning person! I have watch Matt change his life in the last year, setting goals and crushing them. Making monthly nutrition goals- among a few other more personal and beautiful goals. He is simply DOING THE WORK. The work is hard and he is brave.

It's been impressive watching him grow into the new version of himself. He is everything you can possibly ask for from a personal trainee to a gym member. I am beyond proud of how much progress he continues to make in his life and in the gym. Matt is a bright light that has shined through the early morning classes and the general VCF community.


July Member of the Month


May Member of the Month