march member of the month

Gamut Eyster

In his words…

I joined the Vitality cult purely from the peer pressure of all my hot girl friends that were already members. I did a single tabata class and the rest is history! 

For having never been a gym goer, my progression in the last two years at Vitality truly amazes me. It’s the wellness practice I have been searching for and I’m seeing the benefits in so many aspects of my life. I’ve made a total transformation physically and mentally. 

I’ve blasted through so many expectations and goals for myself. It’s incredible to work for something that gives back almost double what I put into it, almost every week is a level up for me. I’m even training for my first ever race, the Crescent City Classic! 

I’m proud of myself for all the motivation and accountability I now practice on a daily basis. I use Vitality as a safe space to push myself to the absolute limit as often as possible. It’s a new high for me to chase tbh. On a good day, the VCF workout will be the hardest thing I have to accomplish that day. I leave the gym with a mindset and attitude to get through anything else I may or may not be dealing with. 

LESBIAN CROSSFIT lol (but also so much more) I let everyone know that these bitches are NOT f*cking around! Full body explosive workouts, you’re working next to other supportive, healthily competitive members, and it works, Just look at these thighs honey! lol. 

In Coach K’s words…

Gamut was a fresh, new-baby gym goer when he started with Vitality May of 2021. Our first conversation was very memorable, he said "I've never stepped foot into a gym, but I love to dance." I love this kind of honesty, self awareness and vulnerability, we were off to a great start. Gamut absolutely rocked his first tabata class, and I still remember that too! He has become a regular “noon-er” coming in consistently 4-5x a week.

What I love the most about watching Gamut grow as an athlete is his non-stop relentlessness. I have never seen him come into a workout and sandbag it. He gives it his absolute best effort- each and every class. And when I say that, I also have gotten great about checking his ego when he knows he needs to dial it back if something is tweeking or not feeling optimal. This is what has made him one of our most transformative members. Gamut has a light heart and brings in fun energy amongst his peers. He loves working out his noon besties and is always looking for more of them to join the community.

Gamut, I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you over the past couple of years. I feel you are a true example of Vitality's ethos which is Never Stop Growing. Your willingness to be coached and responsiveness has allowed you to make huge strides in your fitness endeavors, including running your first 10k ever this year. Keep kicking ass and continue this journey of growth within yourself.

Proudda you!


April member of the month


February Member of the Month