June Member of the month

Rebecca Milazzo

In her words…

I had always heard about Vitality from friends, but it wasn’t until I was looking for a queer community that I immediately knew I needed to join. It wasn’t so much about the fitness - that ended up being a benefit - it was about being around people who made me feel like I belonged. I can’t decide if it was coming out or Vitality or a beautiful combo of both, but the self-love and self-confidence I’ve gained has been pretty incredible. I’ve become stronger physically and love how motivated people at VCF make me feel. Mentally, I’m on top of the world. 

A huge goal I’ve accomplished is a deadlift that’s twice my weight which was pretty neat (all thanks to Kristin and very loud motivation). More importantly, my New Years resolution for the past 4 years of growing my own peach is finally coming true. I give it two more resolutions till Nicki Minaj asks me to be in a music video. 

VCF made me just proud to exist. I’m finally living in a world where I stand tall, and try to pay it forward. I know the definition of family now and it’s not always blood like I once thought. I can look back at the person I was before, and hope that I make others feel as comfortable and loved here as the og 6:30pm crew made me feel. 

No mirrors, no frill, and no gym bros (Except for Wet Willie,) just people who want to be healthy and motivated by other cool people.

Cool is relative though since it is mostly outside and global warming is real.

In Coach Kristin’s Words…

Rebecca has been a member of Vitality since July 2020 and honestly feels like it's been longer! I say that because as soon as she joined she already felt like a member of the “family.” When I first met her, it felt as if I've known her forever and now she is absolutely a ride-or-die member. Rebecca is one of those people that comes in with an easy-going personality- she is kind and respectful to everyone. She’s a leader in our gym because she’s a pro at coordinating dinners with gymmates, actively participating in outside gym events, and even hosting her own parties that bring in our group as well as outside gym folks.

She’s also won our costume contest two years in a row. Not something she’d brag about but something we only realized when getting this blog together!

I've watched her confidence in the gym bloom over the years. Rebecca is such a joy to be around, she’s funny and witty. Recently we’ve been tag-teaming on some behind-the-scenes work that I am excited to show off. And thats how she is! Since joining she has always been willing to lend a hand or be of assistance in any way. Stay after class or come early to help me with some project here and there.

She's a true community leader at VCF. I think we've definitely learned a lot from each other, and I’m so happy to have had the chance to get to know her over these years. Rebecca, I am proud getting to watch you grow and see only great things for you in the future. Thank you for all you do!


July Member of the Month
