June Dedicated Member

Brittany Bancroft

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In her words…

Last August I was lucky enough to finally find a place in the city I had dreamed of living in for the past two years. My amazing roommate is also very good at finding hidden gems around the city. To make it clear, I was not looking to join a gym. After I waked into Vitality with her, I could't leave. 

I did not like gyms, but I also didn't like what I has done to my body the past four years of college. When I started at VBK it was HARD... but each workout started to get a little easier and I started to feel stronger. I knew my body was changing for the better when I went home and people commented on how "good I looked." This was nice to hear, but they did not know how good I felt!! I felt so strong and I feel even stronger now. 

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I got my first body scan in January and it opened my eyes! My first goal was to lose weight and I’m almost to where I want to be. My second goal was to gain muscle, I’m still working on it. My third goal was to be more conscious of what I was putting in my body. This is a solid goal that I always work on, I get an InBody scan every month and it helps to keep me accountable. 

Vitality is my happy place. It is my home away from home. It is where I have met some of my best friends. This is one of the most accepting, loving and supportive places filled with THE BEST people. I am so lucky to be a member of the Vitality family - love y'all to the UPS warehouse and back. 

In Coach Kristin’s words…

Brittany was a bright light from the moment I might her last year. I’ve grown to adore her as I’ve gotten to know her and watched her grow within our program. Brittany is a goal driven person and it shows through her workouts and her month In-Body scans, losing over 12lbs of body fat since she's started with us. She is one of our infamous "2-a-Day" members- knocking out 5 days a week! She is always such a pleasure to coach and is receptive to coaching and correction. Brittany ALWAYS walks into class in a hurry but with a big smile on her face. She turns on the good vibes for the rest of the class and her positive energy is contagious. I am so happy that she committed as a full member and is reaping all the benefits of it. Brittany is not only a rockstar athlete, but a great friend to have by your side. At least, that's what the rest of our class feels like towards her. 

Proud of you, Brit! Looking forward to your future with Vitality. 

Mary Jacobs

Mary Jacobs is co-owner and manager of Vitality by Kristin




Yeah, I work out: Enthusiastically Geeky Guest Blog!