November Dedicated Member

Kristin Fletcher AKA Fletch

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in her words…

I joined Vitality because I wanted to get stronger. I was with someone for a very long time and we got married. After my divorce, I felt lost. I decided to start focusing on myself and start accomplishing goals that I always wanted to accomplish. My first goal was to run a half marathon, and I accomplished that goal. My next goal was to run a full marathon, and I accomplished that goal. My next goal was to gain muscles and become stronger. A month after running my full marathon, I joined Vitality.

I have progressed so much since joining Vitality in March. I have gained muscle weight. I am getting stronger and lifting heavier weight. I love the feeling when I hit a goal or PR in class. I have also become more confident in myself and loving the skin I’m in.

I need to start recording my P.Rs. I can do more than a 100 pounds in my back squats, front squats and deadlifts. I can never do that before. I’m working on getting stronger in my upper body. I’m hoping to get to at least 80 pounds for my bench press. I also want to get close to 200 pounds for my back squat.

I’m proud of myself for stepping outside of my comfort zone and joining Vitality. I’m also proud of myself for being consistent and pushing myself to be stronger in every class. I’m realizing that I am strong both mentally and physically.

I describe Vitality as a family. I remember being so shocked at how friendly everyone was when I first joined. Everyone is so supportive and genuine

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In Coach Kristin’s Words…

Fletch came in eager to get stronger and enhance her running and it is obvious that hit and continues to surpass those goals. What I love about Fletch is her perseverance, she’s had a rough year and come out on top. She’s got a rare ability to constantly challenge herself. She always takes feedback and applies it to her workouts because she is so adaptable she’s developed into a high performing athlete. Fletch is always one of the top dogs to finish the workout, she’s the one to beat! I’m very proud of how far Fletch has come since her first day. I enjoy being her coach and friend and couldn’t be happier about her being in the VBK Fam.


6 Week Launch!


Workout for a Cause!